
A 50% deposit is taken at the time of booking this is non-refundable if booking is cancelled less than 48 hours prior to the days fishing.  Full payment is to be made no later than the day before the scheduled trip. Please make Payment on the morning of the trip we accept cash, bank transfer, or PayPal ask for details.


Terms of Use

Application and amendment

Access and use of this web site is subject to these terms. By accessing or using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms.

Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing may amend these terms without notice and you should regularly check these terms so that you are aware of any amendments. Use of this website after any amendments constitutes your acceptance of the terms as amended.
Intellectual property

Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing owns or licenses the copyright in and trade marks on the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing web site and all of the website’s content (other than product images and descriptions). Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing reserves its rights in that intellectual property. Apart from uses permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 or this licence, no part of that intellectual property may be reproduced or provided to the public, in any form or by any means, without Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing written consent.

Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing grants you a limited license in relation to the content of the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing web site. This includes the text, registration facilities, hyperlinks, and the underlying HTML, XML and any other coding. You may display it on your computer, print it and download it.


You must not do anything which alters the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing website, or interferes with or affects it’s working. This includes removing anything from it, adding anything to it and distributing any part of it to anyone else.


You must first obtain Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing’s written consent if you wish to create a link to the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing website.

Links to other websites or third parties’ details are for convenience only and do not necessarily indicate any endorsement of those websites or third parties or any associated organisation, product or service. You should make your own enquiries about the material on the websites or third parties.


You may post material, such as product reviews, to the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing web site. You must not post any material that:

(a) is defamatory, objectionable or harassing;

(b) contains any virus or similar program;

(c) breaches any law;

(d) infringes third parties’ intellectual property or other rights; or

(e) is misleading or deceptive.

(f) crude. Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing has no tolerance to racist, foul or pornographic material

Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing may remove and edit any material posted to the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing website.


Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing does not moderate forums which are provided for general communication and discussion between users of the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing website, but may remove material from the forums.

Views or recommendations appearing in the forums do not necessarily reflect the views of Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing and the inclusion of such views or recommendations in the forums does not necessarily indicate any endorsement of those views or recommendations.

Users of the forums must not post any material that:

(a) is defamatory, objectionable or harassing;

(b) contains any virus or similar program;

(c) breaches any law; or

(d) infringes third parties’ intellectual property or other rights.

Users agree that:

(a) by using the forums, they may be exposed to objectionable material; and

(b) the download of any material from the forum is at their own risk.

Provision of website and limitation of liability

Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing does not warrant that:

(a) you will have uninterrupted or error-free access to, and use of, the website;

(b) the website or any files available for downloading will be error-free or free from viruses, faults or defects; and

(c) the content of the website (including the text, registration facilities, hyperlinks, and the underlying HTML, XML or other coding) is accurate, complete, or suitable for a particular purpose.

To the extent permitted by law, Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing is not liable to you for any liability arising in relation to your use of this website and the material on this website (including in the case of negligence) and excludes any implied terms.
Governing law

These terms are governed by and must be construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales & Victoria. Each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales & Victoria and all courts which have jurisdiction to hear appeals from those courts.

Privacy Policy

To enable us to operate our business and the Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing website, we need to collect personal information such as your name and address. We use this information to provide our products to you.
We may also use this information to send you details of other products and services that may be of interest to you. If at any stage you no longer wish to receive this additional marketing material, please let us know and we will remove your details from our marketing database.

If you choose not to provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide our products to you.
In relation to collection of personal information via our website, we use two types of cookies, namely:

(a) session cookies, which are only used during a single browsing session to let our website know that the same person is using it during that session. As soon as your browser is closed, the session cookie set by our website is destroyed; and

(b) permanent cookies, which are downloaded onto your computer when you visit our website and select “remember me”. These cookies enable us to recognise your browser every time you visit our website and to track the pages you print and visit.

Wherever practicable, we will ask you for your personal information directly.
Unless we are required to provide your personal information to others by law, by court order or to investigate suspected fraud or other unlawful activity, your information will only be seen or used by persons working for Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing.
You can also help us protect your personal information by taking precautions when using the Internet. It is a good idea to regularly change any passwords and to use a secure browser.
We do not and will not share your private information with any third parties unless required to do so by law. You can shop with confidence with Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing for you fly fishing supplies and tours.

Tour Bookings

Secure your booking with or EFT payment or PayPal.

$250 deposit required at the time of booking, with balance due at the beginning of the trip.

Cancellation Policy In case of a tour cancellation:

Cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, but please be aware we make no exceptions to our cancellation policy. However, we will do our best to find a replacement so we can offer a refund or reschedule the trip.

We’ll advertise your slot on our platforms in order to find a replacement.

If a replacement is found, we can reschedule your booking or refund your deposit/payment in full.

If no replacement is found, there will be no refund of deposit.

No-shows or parties with less guests than booked, will be charged the full amount.

We operate outdoors and do not offer rain checks or cancellations for poor weather. Weather in your location may differ from that in fishing grounds. If you have concerns, please reach out to us.

All breakages and excessive losses on the tour must be paid for.



Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing’s liability arising out of the agreement is limited to the amount paid for the product or tour in question; and in no event will Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing be liable to you (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect loss or damage including loss of profit (whether consequential, special, incidental or indirect) that may arise under the agreement.

Nothing in the Agreement excludes, restricts or modifies any term of the Trade Practices Act 1974 where to do so would result in a term of the agreement being illegal or void.

Payment to Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing is acknowledgement that you agree to the terms listed above.

Galey MsGuided Fly Fishing simply wants you to enjoy your trip and for you to let your fish go to be caught another day. Please practice responsible catch and release techniques.